For some people, skin care is about sticking to a tried and tested routine. For others, however, it can be all about experimenting. From using the latest cleansers, moisturizers, and toners to having a different morning and night care routine, pampering your skin can come with a lot of excitement. But, often when we include something new as part of our skincare routine, our skin tends to get irritated, and breaks out with acne or rashes. So, instead of the skin doing better, we start facing new skincare concerns.
So before you get overwhelmed with the amount of skincare products available in the market and the loads of information available on the ingredients, stop and think for a moment. Think, what can you do better to avoid trying out a new skincare regime or how do you switch from one product to another without our skin breaking out?
We bring you 4 things that you can be mindful about while including a new product in your skin:

How to switch to a new skincare product to avoid your skin from breaking out:
1. Introduce one thing at a time
Sometimes, when we decide to take extra care of our skin, we change the entire routine starting from our cleanser, to moisturizer and toner at one go. The right way is to change one product at a time. If you are changing your cleanser this week, change the moisturizer in a gap of 7-8 days. Similarly, if you are introducing an active ingredient, give it a week to settle on your skin. Also, do not hurry for the products to show immediate results as every new product will take a while before you and your skin adapt to it well.
2. Read the label
Always, always read the label because the key ingredient written on the bottle or being marketed motivates many to pick a product. However, there is always more to a product composition. There can be acids that lead to skin inflammation, or the product might contain dyes, fragrances and ingredients that don’t compliment your skin.
Also, read: 5 habits for monsoon skincare to bid adieu to oily skin and acne
3. Follow the instructions
It is important to apply a product in limited quantities. If you are applying a serum, it should be only 2-3 drops because a pea-size product is enough. Many times, we tend to lather the skin with a moisturizer or oil thinking it will be better for the skin. That’s not correct. Similarly, something as simple as a hydrating gel, if over applied, can block the pores leading to a break out. So, make sure to follow the instructions on how to apply the product and don’t use your own expertise without knowing it fully.

4. Talk to your dermatologist
Why are you picking up a new skincare product? Is it because your skin needs a change or there is an issue that needs to be addressed? You need to be clear why you are altering your skin care products or regime. For instance, many people, during summer, may notice their skin become patchy, dry and flaky. A person who doesn’t see a dermatologist, will apply more moisturizer to counter the dehydration. However, it might not work for them because only a skincare professional would be able to tell you that you can try mist or a face mask for that extra hydration. Make sure to see a dermatologist to help you choose the right product for your skin and include their decisions before picking any over the counter product.
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