$exual problems are on the rise more than ever before. According to stats, infertility affects approximately 10 percent to 15 percent of couples. The critical role that lifestyle factors play in developing $exual problems has recently sparked a great deal of interest. Keeping that in mind, women need to take the charge of keeping themselves healthy and keeping their partner’s $exual health in check too.
Here are 5 factors that may cause $exual health problems in your partner:
1. Drinking alcohol
Apart from harming cognitive and motor skills, drinking can also damage an individual’s reproductive health. If you or your partner indulges in excessive drinking, it can have a negative impact on your fertility levels, both directly and indirectly.
2. Smoking
It should come as no surprise that smoking has a harmful effect on $exual well-being just like overall health. This poor lifestyle habit can affect your partner’s reproductive health, resulting in health problems such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, and so on. In females, smoking is connected to reduced ovarian reserve, fertilization capacity, motility and damaged fertility.

3. High caffeine intake
Keep a tab on your partner’s caffeine consumption. It should be limited while trying to conceive and avoided by women during pregnancy, according to experts. According to some studies, women who consume a lot of caffeine may take longer to get pregnant and have a significantly higher risk of spontaneous abortion and fetal growth restriction.

4. Inappropriate $ex practices
Healthy $ex practices can ensure a pleasurable and safe $exual experience. Failure to consider safety, on the other hand, can result in mild to severe health complications for you and your partner. Unsafe $ex practices can expose the couple to $exually transmitted diseases (STDs), which can have a negative effect on both.
5. Inadequate sleep
Your partner requires proper rest in order to do daily chores and stay healthy. Sleep deprivation has been linked to hormonal issues, mental anguish, and $exual health issues such as erectile dysfunction and low libido. Poor sleep cycle can also have a direct impact on female infertility.
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