Dry skin and winter go hand-in-hand. The chill and lack of moisture can also make your dry skin feel itchy. Are there ways to moisturise skin naturally? Yes, certainly! Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine system, has a treasure trove of home remedies for dry skin. Come, let’s find out some.
According to Ayurveda expert Neha Ahuja, people’s skin tends to grow and change based on different seasons, age medications and lifestyle habits. Explaining how, she says, “While at a younger age, skin is naturally moisturized and healthy, adult skin tends to become drier due to constant exposure to external environments. This leads to a reduction in sebum levels and hampers the skin’s natural elasticity.”
Therefore, treating dry skin becomes highly crucial to maintain the moisture level in the skin and stopping early signs of ageing in both men and women.
What causes dry skin?
Ayurveda studies state that an accumulation of Vata Dosha causes dryness of the skin. The natural medicine system has also introduced us to some potent natural ingredients that work well to heal dry skin. These rich emollients nourish the skin cells to help maintain smooth and radiant skin.
One of the most popular Ayurvedic treatments for dry skin is ‘Abhyanga’, which refers to a holistic form of self-body massage using herb-based essential oils according to the specific doshas.

Ayurvedic ways to moisturise dry skin
Here are some tips to hydrate skin, suggests Neha Ahuja.
1. Make lifestyle changes
Ayurveda is known to holistically addresses and negate each concern from the root cause. So, the lifestyle we lead has a big role to play in trying to moisturise skin. Eating right and hydrating regularly is important to include nourishment in the body, along with external applications. One can include fruits and vegetables rich in oil and water content that help improve the body’s natural oil production. This can consist of watermelon, berries, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, baked beans, sunflower seeds, green tea and leafy vegetables amongst many others. Also, hydrate well.
2. Pick a moisturizer based on doshas
Ayurveda delves into three main types of Doshas – Pitta, Vatta and Kapha. Since Vatta dosha skin types have majorly dry skin, natural oils like sesame oil and jojoba oil work wonders. Their heavy texture and nourishing properties impart much-needed moisturising and soothing benefits to the skin. For Pitta dosha, one can use coconut oil, which is popular for its anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Alternatively, natural ghee can also be considered.
Kapha-type skin on the other hand tends to be naturally oily. So, in order to prevent excess oil secretion, sunflower oil is a better option that helps moisturize the skin without overdoing it.
Also read: 5 facial oils to turn your dry and rough skin into bright and beautiful!

3. Use natural products
Apart from Abhaynga massage with essential oils, it is also helpful if you include organic products in your daily bath and wellness routines. This ensures the skin is constantly supplied with nourishing elements and helps it stay soft, supple and glowing.
4. Avoid steaming hot water
Many of us love indulging in hot water bathing sessions. But in case of dry skin, this will only make it worse. While you are treating your dry skin and even after, ensure you maintain a reasonable temperature and bathe in lukewarm water. This will help your skin from not getting damaged and stretched any further.

5. Protect your skin from the sun
Direct exposure to the sun adds to the damage caused by dry skin types which is why it is extremely important to use a good sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 50. Make sure you use a natural product including potent Ayurvedic ingredients to give your skin natural protection and nourishment.
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