Most kids and teens experience acne at some point. Puberty is when acne most commonly starts. However, it can occur at any age. Acne comes in several forms and can affect adults, children, newborns, and infants. However, acne in children can be tricky to manage as their skin is sensitive. How to treat acne, you ask? Let’s find out tips to manage it.
What causes acne in children?
When the pores get blocked with dead skin cells and oil, acne may develop. Additionally, bacteria that are typically on the skin may enter the clogged pore.
Particularly during the adolescent years, severe acne can have a substantial negative influence on social connections and negatively damage confidence and self-esteem, which can result in mental issues.
Impact of acne on children’s mental health
Children with severe acne frequently experience depression because they are self-conscious about their appearance in general. Acne might make children reluctant to form friendships and learn social skills. In addition to social anxiety, it can cause crippling shyness and fear of being made fun of by others.
So, here are 7 do’s and don’ts which you need to follow to manage acne in children:
1. Limit washing face
Do not wash your face every hour. Some people might believe that using harsh astringents, washing their faces with cleansers, or occasionally scrubbing their faces violently can assist with acne. However, this may ultimately result in irritated skin that becomes more prone to skin issues. Instead, use lukewarm water, a mild cleanser, and a gentle facewash to wash your face only once or twice a day. Scrubbing should be avoided if your child has acne.

2. Do not pop pimples
Avoid popping your pimples. Some kids will squeeze their pimples in an effort to unclog a clogged pore. However, this typically results in more inflammation, which worsens the acne’s appearance and stays for longer on the face. Additionally, this will leave a discoloured scar.
3. Stay hydrated
Drink three to four litres of water a day to stay throughout the day. You can also drink flavoured water without sugar and green tea with lemon juice. Water helps to keep your skin well-hydrated, and therefore treating your acne becomes easier.
Also read: Try these DIY serums to deal with your acne-prone skin
4. Avoid using mobile phones
Stay away from your phone. Numerous bacteria live on phone screens, thus using mobile all the time can result in facial blemishes and other skin issues. Cleaning the phone screen after a few uses is advised because it could still have dirt and makeup residue on it that can be responsible for acne breakouts.
5. Stay away from dairy products
Avoid consuming dairy products or anything with a milk base because they can make your acne worse. According to studies, abstaining from milk or eating foods with a low GI may be beneficial.

6. Say no to junk foods
You should stay away from greasy or junk food. Consuming things like cheeseburgers, fries, and other deep-fried foods has no benefits at all. In fact, they can take a toll on the health of your skin. Instead, eat healthy fruits and vegetables which can help improve your skin health.
7. Do not touch face
Avoid touching your face repeatedly with filthy hands or even popping pimples. More oil, filth, and bacteria are secreted onto the skin when the face is touched and this may lead to acne breakouts.
Treatment for acne in children
The course of treatment will be influenced by your child’s symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how bad the issue is. Acne treatment seeks to improve the appearance of the skin and lessen the possibility of scarring. The acne treatment programme will include gentle, regular skin care. More significant cases of acne may require the intervention of a dermatologist who can write prescriptions, although less severe occurrences of acne can often be treated with over-the-counter medications.
If your child has acne, seek the advice of a dermatologist who can also provide them with counselling options!
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