Whenever we spot an angry zit on our otherwise flawless face, we have all felt shock, despair and even awe. And why not? Breakouts are a bummer and no one likes to see their face covered with acne or its subsequent marks. However, most of us attribute acne to clogged pores and hormonal imbalances, without realizing that having acne breakouts in certain areas of the face actually are a sign of underlying health problems. Let’s find out more about causes of acne!
Since June is Acne Awareness Month, to solve the problem of figuring out why you have acne on a particular part of the face, Dr Kiran Sethi, renowned skin and wellness doctor, in her latest Instagram post, suggests face mapping.
What is face mapping?
The process of mapping the face, which is quickly taking centrestage at most clinics these days, mixes cutting-edge dermatologist prescriptions with Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. It is done to ascertain why different zones on your face have acne or spots and how they are connected to different parts of your body. Face mapping is, thus, used to address the underlying causes of blemishes, making the unattractive zits go away while also properly treating the underlying health issue.
Pretty amazing, right?
Whenever there is a zit on the face, we all think, “why me?”, but we suggest you calmly inhale and find a way to halt them for good.
So as per Dr Sethi, a face mapping manual can be used to interpret everything that your breakouts are saying to you and what possibly could be the various reasons behind it.
Face mapping to know causes of acne
1. Acne on forehead and nose
- Stress: Stress boosts oil production. On the contrary, it can also make the skin greasy which results in causing pore-clogging and acne.
- Improper digestion: High concentrations of starch, such as eating pasta and other products made from flour, can affect the digestive system. For many people with gluten intolerance, this makes a big difference in bowel health and skin.
- Irregular sleep: This is because sleep deprivation has been shown to cause stress in the body and can cause cortisol to spike. Soaring cortisol levels can lead to increased inflammation and sebum production, which can lead to clogged pores and a final rash.
- Poor diet: Diet can affect hormones, which in turn, can exacerbate acne. For instance, milk and high-sugar foods can spike insulin levels and alter other hormones that can affect the skin.
- Hair disorders: Your hair can also cause acne on your forehead. If you don’t wash your hair thoroughly, or if you have greasy hair, oil can build up on your forehead and clog your pores. Breakouts can also be due to the hair care products you use. Hair styling and fixing items are infamous for causing skin inflammation.
- Dirty hands: If you frequently touch your forehead or nose, you may have bacteria lurking in your hands, which can cause a rash, if they come in contact with your skin. So, stop immediately. is needed.

2. Acne on eyebrow area
- Ingrown hair: The hair follicles in and around your eyebrows have oil organs that deliver a substance called sebum. Sebum traps dead skin cells and stops up the follicle, frequently catching microorganisms under.
- Diet: Eyebrow zits could be a consequence of a strained liver, so if you’re eating oily food varieties, not drinking sufficient water and holding back on rest, that could be the reasons.
- Water intake: Skin breakout brought about by dryness frequently shows up close to the eyebrow region, so assuming you’re finding that your breakouts show up around this region, take a stock at increasing your water and scaling back drying out drinks, like caffeine and liquor.
- Gallbladder issue: The stomach and gallbladder channels cross specific regions close to the eyebrow, so gallbladder issues of fat admission or stress, and dietary stomach issues, can prompt breakouts around eyebrows.
Also, read: 5 reasons your acne treatment isn’t showing results
3. Acne on cheeks
- Dirty pillowcase: Throughout the span of a couple of days, dead skin cells, oil, and microbes can develop on the cushion’s surface which can later cause breakouts on the cheeks.
- Cosmetic brushes: Cosmetic brushes are a favourable place for microscopic organisms. So think twice about your usage of makeup brushes as they can cause inflammation breakouts and rashes.
- Cellphone: Your mobile phone is a hotbed of microscopic organisms and residue that can be on of the causes of acne. A great many people are uninformed that when their wireless contacts their face, the cosmetics, dampness, sweat, or other cream you apply will gather on your phone screen.

4. Acne on hairline
- Pomades: The utilization of grease and oil-based hair care items can cause gathering up of the sebum unit and resulting irritation, which can prompt grease skin break out.
5. Acne on ears
- Stress: At the point when an individual is under pressure, slow recuperation of skin break out implies that the pimples stay longer.
- Bacterial build-up: The skin of the ear trench has hair cells as well as organs that produce oil and ear wax. In the event that these organs produce an excessive amount of oil, it might make skin break out structure in your ear. This can likewise happen when dead skin cells or microorganisms develop in your pores.
- Hormonal imbalance: Ordinary sebum creation keeps your skin new, smooth, and solid. Notwithstanding, when chemicals signal your body to expand its sebum creation, the additional sebum can stock up hair follicles and prompt to foster skin inflammation.
- Allergic reaction to cosmetics and hair care products: This is very common. One of the causes of acne could be an allergic reaction or certain ingredient that your favourite cosmetic or hair care product might have.

6. Jawline and Chin
- Hormonal imbalance: Hormonal skin inflammation happens when hormonal changes increment how much oil your skin produces. This oil collaborates with microbes on the pores of your skin, where hair develops (hair follicles), and results in skin break out.
- Diet: Refined starches are assimilated rapidly into the circulatory system, which quickly raises glucose levels. At the point when blood sugars rise, insulin levels additionally ascend and assist transporting the blood sugars out of the circulation system and into your cells. It then causes skin to break out.
Therefore, the next time you notice acne or breakouts under your eyes, or any other area, look at the face map, as your skin might probably be trying to communicate something to you on behalf of the internal organs. Knowing the causes of acne will help you treat it from the roots.
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