With the summer heat and the coming of monsoon drizzles, your hair has gone through a lot! Te pollution and the dust don’t help in keeping your hair healthy either! Plus all the added hair products, especially the chemically loaded ones, promise to make your hair better but only damage it further making it look lifeless in no time! All these factors de-puff our locks and prevent us from having voluminous thick hair.
The conclusion to all this is that your hair needs a detox just like your body. In order to revive your hair into looking fuller and fresh, it has to be healthy first and devoid of all the chemicals that it was prone to. And the best ingredient to use for a complete hair rejuvenation is the naturally existing clay!
Health Shots got in touch with Ruchita Acharya, a skincare expert and green beauty enthusiast, who listed some benefits of clay masks for fuller-looking hair.
“The science behind using clay is that it works on the adsorption and absorption principle. What this means is that clay is able to infuse the natural minerals into the hair, thus nourishing it. It is also able to attract dirt on the scalp and helps in cleansing the scalp. Thirdly, it is able to ward off bacteria, fungi and other harmful toxins,” says Acharya.
Clay is filled with minerals beneficial for the nourishment of the hair as well as detoxification. Added with other natural ingredients they make for the best natural shampoos and cleansers and hair volumizers. What’s more is that you can work your way around Hair DIYS, like masks.
3 easily available clays and the masks that can give you thick hair and can substitute for your chemically loaded products:
1. Rhassoul Clay
Famously known as the ‘Moroccan Clay’ because of its origins in the Moroccan mountains, this clay is known for its abundance of silicon content. Made out of volcanic ash, it has excellent anti-bacterial and moisturizing properties. The clay powder can be mixed with rose water, and the paste can be applied through the hair from the scalp to the tips. Clay masks should only be used once in 2 weeks. Rhassoul clay is especially recommended for people with oily scalp, dandruff and flakiness. It has to be applied to the hair for about half an hour and then thoroughly rinsed. It is also considered a good scalp exfoliator, so you don’t need to use a shampoo after it.

2. Bentonite Clay
“Famously available in India, it also called the Indian healing clay. It is rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium all, of which help in hair growth and overall hair development. It is essentially volcanic ash, which can be mixed with water to make a water-based mask. Although, it goes best with aloe vera juice or any other essential oils. The paste of bentonite clay is especially beneficial for people who have dull and damaged mane. It will help in attaining a fuller, bouncier and thick hair.” Acharya told HealthShots.

3. French Green Clay
As the name suggests, initially discovered by the French and later Chinese, it can be seen as the main beauty ingredient even in the local beauty customs. Its subtle green colour and soft texture are indicative of the rich decomposed plant matter and iron oxides present in the clay. This clay especially works wonders for greasy hair in the monsoon. It helps in unclogging the pores and removes debris like build-ups from all the chemical use and dust. A water-based mask works best for this clay. An amalgamation of essential oil, a few drops of rose water, or a few drops of olive oil will add volume to the flattened hair. Acharya says, “Traditionally, people also use a teaspoon of the cream of milk into this mixture, and once it is made into a paste, it can be applied to the hair with attention to the scalp.”
So ladies, get ready to rock your thick hair even when the monsoon season tries to weigh them down. Clay masks can be the no-nonsense scalp exfoliators and cleansers you never knew you needed. Give them a try!
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