Did you think dandruff only belongs to your scalp? Sorry to break it to you but even the skin and hair around eyebrows is prone to dryness and can experience dandruff. There could be several reasons behind eyebrow dandruff, including using products with irritating chemicals or your skin being dry. In extreme cases, it could be a symptom of dermatitis.
So, to help you understand this condition, HealthShots spoke to Dr Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist, and Dermato-Surgeon, at The Aesthetic Clinic. She explains what are the causes of eyebrow dandruff and how to manage it.
Dr Kapoor says, “Eyebrow dandruff is a real thing just like scalp dandruff. And while scalp dandruff can be hidden, eyebrow dandruff is very difficult to hide. It appears as yellowish-white flaky skin on the eyebrow hair.”
Here are common symptoms of eyebrow dandruff:
Eyebrow dandruff is quite similar to scalp dandruff but it is still different. The symptoms will include:
- Itchiness on and around eyebrows
- White or yellow flaky pieces of skin
- Inflamed red patches of skin
- Rash on the face and other parts of the body
- Scaly eyebrows
- Greasy, patchy skin
- Hyperpigmentation

Along with these symptoms, you might even experience oiliness around your eyebrows. Having itchy and flaky eyebrows is quite embarrassing. So, if you want to treat it, you should be aware that the treatment for eyebrow dandruff is more about treating the triggers first.
Here are common causes of eyebrow dandruff:
The causes of eyebrow dandruff are different in each case. They can occur to anybody, at any age and at any time. But the treatment method depends on the cause of your dandruff in the eyebrows. Here, Dr Kapoor helps us to understand the causes of this condition.
1. Seborrheic dermatitis: Eyebrow dandruff is generally caused by a skin condition known as seborrheic dermatitis. It is usually caused by a yeast infection, which triggers the immune system and a fungus called Malassezia. This can be managed with many over-the-counter treatments but can’t be cured. It is also commonly called a cradle cap and usually occurs in babies.
Apart from this, other triggers like hormonal changes and stress, can also aggravate dandruff.
2. Contact dermatitis: Contact dermatitis can occur because of your body’s reaction to a product that you are using, such as a face wash, harsh detergent, shampoo, makeup, etc. Allergic reactions to such products can result in an itchy, irritating rash in the area and redness. In the end, the skin may flake off.
3. Atopic dermatitis: Atopic dermatitis or eczema causes the skin to become flaky and red on the different body parts, but most in the area of the eyebrow hair.
4. Dry skin: Dry skin is one of the most common causes of dandruff in eyebrows. But it affects your whole face, including your eyebrows.

5. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is caused by an immune reaction that makes your skin develop new cells quicker than the older cells get damaged, and that leads to the itchy patches on your skin.
The common medical ways to treat eyebrow dandruff are:
Treatment for eyebrow dandruff varies depending on the cause behind it. Your dermatologist can help guide you to the right treatment method and combinations.
- Over-the-counter medicated shampoo
- Prescription anti-fungal medications
- Over-the-counter antifungal creams
- Topical corticosteroids
- Topical antipruritic
- Topical medications containing salicylic acid or lactic acid
Along with these treatments, you can also use some home remedies to reduce the symptoms and soothe the skin, such as using:
- Tea tree oil
- Neem oil
- Aloe vera gel
- Apple cider vinegar
- Almond oil
An important tip to keep eyebrow dandruff away is to keep your eyebrows moisturized and exfoliated at least once a week. You can also exfoliate twice or thrice a week with a mild scrub. Also, use sunscreen regularly to prevent sun damage and avoid touching your eyebrows too often.
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