When we think of facial hair, we think that only men can have it. Women may still feel conscious about having it. The reasons for facial hair in women could be dime a dozen – from genetics to hormonal imbalance to a lot more. Peach fuzz or extremely light, thin and fine, facial hair is present in all women. It is quite natural and to be anticipated. There is no need to feel shy about it. However, there are several misconceptions and realities about women’s facial hair.
Health Shots got in touch with Dr Nidhi Agarwal, Dermatologist, Paras Hospitals, Gurugram, to bust common myths on female facial hair.
Myths about facial hair in women!
The expert shares some common misconceptions and the reality behind myths about facial hair, which may often be a result of hirsutism.

Myth: Women don’t have facial hair
Fact: According to Dr Agarwal, “Women and men both develop facial hair. Women can have facial hair, despite it being lighter, finer, and less noticeable than men. Some women have faces with significantly more noticeable facial hair than others.” Well, our lifestyles have contributed to so much stress daily that women today are suffering from hormonal imbalance as a normal thing. Getting facial hair is a major sign of women undergoing hormonal issues.
Myth: Only women who have hormonal imbalances have excessive facial hair
Fact: Hormonal imbalance can also cause hair to grow out too quickly on a woman’s face. However, this does not imply that a hormonal imbalance is the origin of your facial hair. Every lady has facial hair or peach fuzz. While some have fewer and are less noticeable, others have more blatant ones. So, this misunderstanding has no basis whatsoever, shares the expert.
Myth: Women should not shave facial hair
Fact: Numerous arguments and lines of reasoning are passed down from generation to generation to support the notion that women shouldn’t shave their facial hair. You’ll either end up having a hairy face, or your facial hair will grow thicker and quicker. Hair may appear to thicken or grow more quickly, but most of the time, this is just how you feel. So, if you need to, don’t be afraid to shave them off! The fact is that shaving your facial hair won’t change how thick, coloured, or quickly it grows.
Also read: How to remove facial hair? Here are 7 ways to get rid of it
Myth 4: Home razors are ineffective for exfoliation
Women aspire to have smoother skin, but using a razor to get there isn’t worth the time it takes. Additionally, some women think shaving has an exfoliating effect, even though it can irritate the skin, lead to ingrown hairs, and cause painful abrasions. Therefore, if you are not an expert at shaving, avoid doing so.

Myth 5: Women with a light complexion and black hair have facial hair
“This entire myth is untrue! It’s a very racist stereotype that only women with a light complexion and dark hair have facial hair, which is not true at all. This false belief holds that certain skin tones and inherited colors make facial hair more noticeable. Regardless of her skin tone or hair colour, any woman can grow facial hair. Ladies with a pale complexion and black hair indeed have more noticeable hair. In actuality, neither white nor dark women are at fault. Instead, the problems are largely inherited and hormonal.
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