Eggs are often our go-to breakfast options, but have you heard that Maharashtra’s animal husbandry department has officially declared that there is a shortage of 1 crore eggs per day in the state? According to the department officials, the Indian state consumes around 2.25 crore eggs per day while the state is only producing 1 crore. And a similar shortage and inflation scenario can be observed in the world’s most developed country, the USA. But worry not, since eggs are not the ONLY source of protein. We are here with 5 other vegetarian protein sources to keep you healthy.
Eggs are no doubt one of the most affordable protein sources and are super easy to make. You just crack an egg and scramble them or make an omelette, there are many easy and delicious egg recipes. But if we take a look at our traditional Indian dishes we can easily find many other natural and vegetarian protein sources that will not make us miss eggs at all.

Protein is an important nutrient needed by our body for muscle growth, cell repair and production and also for healthy growth and development of children, teens and the fetus of a pregnant woman. Protein also helps us keep full for a longer time period which eventually promotes weight loss.
5 veg protein sources other than egg you can try:
1. Lentils
Lentils or dal is a staple food for Indians and is often made on a daily basis in many households. Including this in our diet is not difficult. According to a 2019 study published in the National Library of Medicine, lentils are a rich source of high-quality protein. Lentil seeds contain about 26 per cent crude protein on a n average.

2. Soya bean
Soya is all protein and has in the past few years gained popularity among gym-goers or people who are looking to lose weight and build muscle. Soya beans are available in many forms like soya chunks, tofu, soy milk and also soya bean oil, which is often considered healthier than the other oils. According to studies, soybean has more than 40 per cent of protein content which is quite high, making it the only plant-based protein which matches the animal protein.
3. Beans
Apart from soya beans, there are many other beans which are easily available in our kitchens and are a very high source of protein for vegans too. Kidney beans, chickpeas, black beans, pinto beans and many more beans are there which are extremely delicious and provide us with protein.
4. Paneer
Paneer or cottage cheese, according to studies, has around 16-18 per cent of protein content along with being rich in whey protein. Whey protein is a type of protein which is also available in the form of supplements these days but paneer is a natural source of the nutrient.

5. Vegetables
Spinach has always been considered as the food that helps boost energy and build muscles and that is because of its protein content. Apart from spinach, brussel sprouts, potatoes, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, etc are also a very good source of protein that you can include in your diet.
So, instead of egg and meat, try these vegetarian protein sources and don’t let the egg shortage lower your protein intake!
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