Do you often find yourselves in situations where you want to have sex but just cannot at that particular time? Well, dry humping might be your best bet! Dry humping or dry sex is a form of sexual activity which does not involve any form of penetration, skin-to-skin contact, or any bodily fluids. However, if done in the right manner, dry humping can be as pleasurable as sex, or even more! Also called outercourse, dry humping involves two or more people rubbing their bodies against each other.
How does dry humping work?
Dry humping may not involve penetration, but it surely works! Niyatii N Shah, sexuality educator and counsellor, explains how dry humping works. “The friction of your genitals against your body or against your partner’s own genital causes sexual stimulation and can lead to orgasm. It does not involve direct skin-to-skin contact or penetration, making it a form of sexual activity,” she tells Health Shots.
How to dry hump?
There is no right or wrong way to dry hump. Do it as you like it. Some couples may like to do it while standing, others may like it while lying down sideways or one on top of another. Certain couples may be more comfortable fully clothed, and some may prefer it in their underwear acting as the guard against penetrative sex. As long as it creates friction and sensation in the right place, you’re good to go. It could, in fact, be a great foreplay technique. So it would be a good idea to keep condoms or other contraception handy.
Dry humping can also be practiced solo, by the way. Yes, several people use a pillow or the edge of an upholstered furniture – anything that won’t cause an injury.
Can dry humping be better than sex?
There may be some advantages of choosing dry humping over intercourse for certain individuals or situations. “It’s essential to remember that the choice between these activities is deeply personal and depends on individual preferences and circumstances,” says Shah. Here are some potential advantages of dry humping:
- Reduced risk: Since there are no bodily fluids involved, the risk of catching sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as getting pregnant are significantly lowered as compared to conventional sex.
- Physical comfort: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists says that three out of every four women have pain during sex. This can be totally avoided with dry humping.
- Detached emotional connection: This is an ideal no-strings-attached type of a situation. Sex brings people emotionally closer while dry humping allows for a detached emotional connection.
- Exploration and teasing: Dry humping can be a form of extended foreplay, providing an opportunity for partners to explore their desires and fantasies gradually, leading to heightened sexual tension and excitement, explains Shah.
- Variety and no pressure: Dry humping can make your sex like more exciting and add variety. “Dry humping does not require a full erection, a man can enjoy the sexual activity without feeling any pressure to perform,” says Shah.

What are the risk factors associated with dry humping?
- Skin irritation: Chafing or other forms of skin irritation can happen during dry humping and one needs to be very careful of what one wears. Also, both partners should be well-lubricated to reduce this risk. Shah says, “Consider using a water-based lubricant if needed, particularly if dryness or discomfort arises.”
- STI and pregnancy risk: Since dry humping is not about penetrative sex, you may dismiss the question, “Can you get pregnant from dry humping?”. But it’s good to ask. Although the risk is lower compared to sex, there is still a minimal risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or even pregnancy if there is direct genital or bodily fluid contact during dry humping. “There is still a minimal risk if ejaculate (pre-ejaculate or semen) were to come into contact with the vaginal area,” says Niyatii N Shah, adding, “Taking precautions like wearing underwear or using a barrier method (such as a condom) can further reduce this risk.”
- Comfort and consent: Even though it’s not intercourse, it still requires consent. “I have known couples where one partner takes advantage of the other emphasizing that’s it’ not an intercourse. Consent should always be mutual, and no one should ever feel pressured into engaging in any sexual activity, including dry humping,” explains Shah.
What are the best positions of dry humping?
Yes, you can even try different positions during dry humping. If the question whether dry humping can lead to orgasm, is going on in your mind, let us answer it for you right here! Yes, it’s possible for some individuals to experience orgasm during this activity as well. Here are a few common positions:
- Standard dry humping: In this position, both partners lie or sit facing each other and rub their clothed bodies together. This allows for close body-to-body contact and can be quite intimate.
- Straddling: One partner can straddle the other’s lap while engaging in dry humping. This position allows for a lot of control and can be arousing for both partners.
- Spooning: Partners can engage in dry humping while in a spooning position, with one partner behind the other. This is an intimate and comfortable position for some couples.
- Grinding: Partners can stand and grind against each other while clothed. This can be done from the front or back and is often seen in a club or dance setting.
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