The summer heat might take a toll on everyone but kids certainly look forward to this season. Free from final exams, class tests and homework, summer vacation is a great time for them to kick their shoes off and have plenty of time to play and relax. Nonetheless, children should be given a free reign on having a good time during their summer vacation, including eating some of their favourite food or enjoying games. However, most mothers are worried about keeping them active and healthy during summer vacations.
So all busy moms and dads, let’s share some simple and fuss-free tips to keep your children engaged while keeping a check on their health as well!
Tips to keep children healthy
1. Stick to a kid-healthy diet
Keeping kids healthy is more about being conscious of what is being served to them at the table. While summer vacation is a good time to indulge in your kid’s favourite burger or pizza, but as parents, you should be mindful of their nutrition intake too. Kids need a variety of nutrients from food for proper growth and development at this age. That’s why a wholesome diet is important for them and not a calorie-dense one. So, ensure that their meals are wholesome by including fruits and vegetables as well.

2. Assign them household chores
The easiest and most effective way to keep kids active while at home is to assign them duties like arranging toys, keeping clothes in the wardrobe, setting up the dinner table and others. These will not only keep them occupied and active but also teach them the importance of fulfilling the duties assigned to them.
Also, read: 5 things parents must know about yoga for kids
3. Keep healthy food handy
Healthy eating is all about balance. Filling up the pantry with junk food items will make kids more attracted to them. By mindfully keeping healthy and nutritious snacks nearby results in children indulging in healthy eating. So, the next time you go grocery shopping, ditch the junk food and grab healthy & fresh food/beverages. Keep water, fresh juices to keep them hydrated from the heat and give them dry fruits that are easy to grab.
4. Make exercise fun
Summertime offers plenty of physical activities to keep kids healthy. Be it swimming, hiking, biking and skating, are all sports that offer ample physical activity. Don’t make exercise a task, just let your kids enjoy their free time with outdoor activities that encourage individual and team sport. Setting up playdates is another fun way to keep them on their toes.
5. Put limit on screen time
Most children have spent their time in front of the screen due to the pandemic. Summer vacation is a great opportunity to get them to indulge in outdoor sports like football, cricket, and playing in the park with friends. By limiting screen time, kids can get more engrossed in other activities that help them to develop their skills and avoid some ill effects of excessive screen time, including attention problems and obesity.

6. Mental health
Due to the recent unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic, children were forced to adopt a lifestyle which made them spend less time outdoors. This did take a toll on their mental health, causing anxiety and irritable behaviour. Cultivating a good mental health is equally important as keeping them physically fit. Hence, as parents, you should always keep a check on your children’s mood by engaging them in fun activities. Also, by keeping them busy in day-to-day tasks, praising and appreciating them, and nourishing their thoughts is a great way to encourage positive mental well-being.
Keeping a healthy mind and body will always make a child happy!
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