We all desire for a glowing skin to feel good and confident about ourselves. Instead of using various chemical based products there are many natural ways to get a natural glow that will make your skin sing with joy! We bring you 3 morning habits that will help you get a glowing skin.
It is best to take care of your skin just after you wake up in the morning when your skin is well rested and has no dirt or outside elements. You need to pamper it in the morning, so that it stays fresh and ready for the day ahead of you.
Pooja Luthra, a Naturopathy scholar and home remedy expert, shared 3 morning habits for a glowing skin that one can adopt through her Instagram handle. Let’s take a look at them.
Morning habits for a glowing skin
1. Start your day with an ice pack
Rubbing ice in a circular motion all around your face will help give you a glowing skin. It is a known fact that cold compresses can decrease swelling. So, using ice or an ice pack or a frozen spoon on your face and eyes in the morning will help you feel fresh by removing the puffiness from under your eyes and all the other areas of your face.

2. Sweat it out
Yes, that’s right! Sweating might seem like something messy and untidy but it cleanses your face and once your sweat has cooled off you are left with a glowing skin. So, in the mornings go for a run in your nearby park or a quick workout at the gym. This will leave you feeling fresh and give you a wondrous glowing skin in the morning!

3. Use sunscreen
Now, many consider sunscreen a luxury product that is not that essential, but that is not true. Applying sunscreen every time you step out of the house is extremely essential. Sunscreen protects your skin from all sorts of skin damage caused by sun exposure and keeps your skin healthy and glowing!

So, adopt these 3 habits and make them your morning ritual for a glowing skin!
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