Didn’t you think every orgasm is about pleasure? So, did we, until we chanced upon something called a ‘bad orgasm’! Apparently, it’s a thing to experience unpleasant and unpleasurable orgasms.
But what is a bad orgasm?
Basically, a bad orgasm is a negative orgasm. According to a study published in Archives of $exual Behavior, a bad orgasm can have a severe impact on a person’s relationship, $exuality, and psychological health.
Well, most of us have strong attachments to our orgasms and place a high value on them. But you might have bad orgasms, which leave you experiencing all kinds of unfavourable emotions. Yes, it’s the exact opposite effect of what they were intended to experience.
There are a variety of reasons and scenarios why and when orgasm experiences during consensual $ex could be bad.
To find out which situations cause bad orgasms, Health Shots spoke to Dr Mahua Bhattacharya, consultant obstetrics and gynaecology, Fortis Hospital, Anandapur, Kolkata.

Dr Bhattacharya says, “A non-positive, unappealing, or negative orgasm is referred to as a bad orgasm. Relationships, $exuality, and mental health can all be badly impacted by “bad orgasms.”
Here are 5 scenarios that lead to a bad orgasm:
1. High levels of stress
Stress, unfortunately, has an adverse effect on both your physical and emotional health. According to popular belief, a high degree of stress can have negative effects on your libido and make it difficult for you to reach the peak of a $exual encounter. However, stress can also cause an uncomfortable or unpleasant orgasm.
You run a significant risk of having a bad orgasm if you have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which could be brought on by anything from the threat of harm or death to an assault, $exual abuse, or any other form of physical abuse.
Also, read: Not just pleasure! Here are 7 ways in which orgasms can benefit your body and mind
2. Bad $ex
According to a study published in the Archives of $exual Behavior, having a “bad orgasm” during a consensual $exual interaction is definitely possible.

Participants in this study were asked if they had ever experienced an orgasm during a consensual interaction in which they felt coerced into having $ex, coerced into experiencing an orgasm, or had otherwise consented to unwelcome $ex (such as being really tired, but saying yes anyway). Because the settings are likely to provide an unsatisfactory experience, the researchers concentrated on orgasms during these circumstances.
3. Guilt and shame
During $exual activity, a woman can have several orgasms with continued $exual stimulation. However, even with consent, a bad orgasm could still occur. Why? Well, there is a lot of shame associated with experiencing pleasure because of societal norms and religious beliefs. As a result, orgasm may cause guilt and a sensation of impurity. Therefore, an orgasm experienced while engaging in $exual activity with your partner that makes you feel ashamed or disgusted is regarded as a non-pleasurable orgasm.
Also, read: There are 10 types of female orgasms. And every woman should know about them
4. Pressure to orgasm
Orgasm anxiety refers to stress, excessive attention directed towards reaching a climax, and hyperfocus on orgasm, typically during partnered $exual activity. Orgasm anxiety is a typical and real feeling that many people endure, although it is not a symptom of anxiety disorders. However, if there is a low level of pressure, you could have a more enjoyable orgasm. An orgasm with pressure is considered a bad orgasm.

5. When you’re angry with your partner
People who have $ex after a huge fight or argument refer to it as “makeup $ex”. Indeed, having $ex when you’re furious can occasionally replace discussing relationship issues, but other times it can have the exact opposite effect. Because of the strong feelings, you might feel a little low and agree to engage in $exual activity despite problems between you and your partner. But doing so might make you feel disgusted, and this may cause an uncomfortable orgasm when having $ex.
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