Does smoking cause hair loss?

Smoking is not just bad for your lungs. It may also affect your hair. But does smoking cause hair loss? Let’s find out.

Smoking cigarettes does no good, as it may put you at risk for health problems such as lung disease and cancer. One of its side effects may also be connected to your hair. If you are a smoker and notice a decrease in the volume of your hair then it may be linked to your smoking habit. While ageing often affects the quality and volume of hair, unhealthy habits like using tobacco regularly may also bring bad news for your tresses. But does smoking cause hair loss? Read on to find out.

Does smoking cause hair loss?

Smoking may impact your hair health, and not just your lungs. A 2024 study, published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, showed that smoking up to 10 cigarettes every day may increase the likelihood of experiencing hair loss. Another study, published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2020, showed that 425 out of 500 smokers, aged between 20 and 35, had some degree of hair loss. So, does smoking cause hair loss? Yes, scientific research says that it can.

Hair loss
Smoking and hair loss may be connected. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Here’s how it may affect your hair:

  • “It restricts blood flow to hair follicles by causing vasoconstriction or narrowing of blood vessels,” says cosmetologist Dr Pratiksha Jain. Just like other parts of your body, hair follicles also need oxygen as well as nutrients to grow. But when blood circulation gets compromised, they get weak. Once the hair follicles lose strength, you will experience hair thinning and eventually hair loss.
  • Still looking for an answer to your question, “Does smoking cause hair loss?” The answer is a simple yes, as it increases oxidative stress by releasing harmful free radicals. “They damage follicular cells and disrupt the natural cycle of hair growth,” says Dr Jain.
  • It also accelerates the production of dihydrotestosterone or DHT, a hormone linked to androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness).
  • The toxins in cigarettes can be bad for hair follicle cells. During a study, published in Dermatology in 2003, researchers found that toxic chemicals in tobacco may cause damage in the deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA of cells in the hair follicles. According to them, this damage may negatively affect hair growth.

Does smoking cause hair loss and will your tresses grow back?

Quitting smoking can significantly improve hair health, but there is no evidence that shows that full regrowth is possible. “If hair loss was mostly due to smoking-related vascular constriction and oxidative stress, stopping can help restore blood flow and allow follicles to recover,” says Dr Jain. However, if there is hair follicle shrinkage due to long-term exposure to tobacco, regrowth may be limited.

“A reduction in hair shedding may happen within a few months of quitting, as inflammation decreases and oxygen supply improves,” says Dr Jain. Nutrient absorption also gets better once you give up this bad habit, leading to stronger, healthier strands. “Using supportive treatments like minoxidil, platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy, and a nutrient-rich diet can improve your chances of regrowth,” says the expert.

Other harmful effects of smoking

Now that you know the answer to the question, “Does smoking cause hair loss?”, it might be time to find out what else it can lead to.

  • It is well known for damaging the lungs, leading to conditions like chronic bronchitis, and lung cancer.
  • “It also increases the risk of heart disease and stroke by narrowing arteries and elevating blood pressure,” says internal medicine expert Dr Irfan KJ.
  • This unhealthy habit impacts the immune system in a negative way, making the body more vulnerable to infections like pneumonia.
  • The digestive system also takes a hit, as smoking worsens acid reflux. “It raises the risk of stomach and pancreatic cancer as well,” says Dr KJ.
Smoking and hair loss
Quit smoking for better health. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

How to quit smoking?

Does smoking cause hair loss? Yes it does. So, it might be time to give up this harmful habit by following these tips:

  • Breaking free from something like smoking is a process that requires preparation as well as persistence. “So, set a ‘quit date’ and gradually cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke to make the transition smoother,” suggests Dr KJ.
  • Understand your smoking triggers, such as stress, routine habits, or social events.
  • Replace cigarettes with something like chewing sugar-free gum, and deep breathing to help manage cravings. “Medications like varenicline and bupropion can also stop you from reaching for a cigarette and help your brain adjust to being nicotine-free,” says the expert.
  • Nicotine replacement options, including patches, can provide relief from withdrawal symptoms like restlessness and trouble sleeping.
  • Staying active, and engaging in stress-relieving activities can help you in this long journey.

Now that you know the answer to the question, “Does smoking cause hair loss?”, you know that you absolutely must give up this bad habit. It may affect your hair follicles and growth other than your lungs, heart and other parts of your body.

Related FAQs

How many cigarettes a day is safe for hair?

There is no safe number of cigarettes when it comes to hair health. Even one cigarette can constrict blood vessels, reducing oxygen and nutrient supply to your hair follicles. The more you smoke, the greater the damage.

Will you look younger if you quit smoking?

Yes, quitting smoking can make you look significantly younger over time. Smoking accelerates ageing by breaking down collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for skin firmness and elasticity. Once you quit smoking, your skin will begin to repair itself, leading to improved hydration, reduced wrinkles, and a healthier complexion.

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